You may want to return a product. In that case, we’re happy to help you out by taking it back.
Our service
- 14 days return policy after receiving your order.
- Exchange? After receiving your return we will ship the new item to you.
- Money back? You will receive a refund as soon as we have processed your return.
- Defective product? There’s warranty on every product.
- Send it in or deliver the product yourself at our Copenhagen OMNIUM store.
- For sending back larger products (e.g. complete bikes or large framekits) get in touch with and we will arrange a pick-up for you.
Can I exchange a product for a different product?
We’re sorry, but it is not possible to exchange products. Please place a new order.
How to return a product?
There’s a 14 days return policy after receiving your order. Within this period you can return your item by mail or drop it of for free at our store. You have the option to exchange the product or get a refund.
Our mail address:
Valhøjs Allé 176
2610 Rødovre
Some points of attention before returning
- You have 14 days after receiving your goods to sign up for a return online or to return the product to our store within those 14 days.
- Use the original shipment-box/packaging the products were packed with or use a new one. Do not ship a product without, and do not stick any shipment labels directly onto the product.
- In case of wear, missing accessories or missing/damaged packages, you will not be entitled to the full purchase amount.
- Bring your product to the post office or to our store.
- Make sure that you receive a track & trace code when shipping, we are not responsible for lost shipments without a track & trace code.
- Once we have processed your return, you will receive an email from us. In busy periods, this may take longer.
Note: If you have gone through the 14 day period, it is no longer possible to send your product back. Unless it is a warranty case.
What can you expect from us after returning?
We always do our best to quickly process your returned package so we can work on your desired solution. Refunds might take up to seven business days before returning to your account.
How do we refund?
After processing your return, we will immediately refund the purchase amount. It might take up to seven business days before returning to your account. Have you paid with a gift voucher or discount code? Then we will activate it again for you.